How to draw a ballerina dancer
How to draw a ballerina dancer

Daeyeol’s jersey number is 11 because there are 11 members of Golden Child and his birthday is on the 11th. Education: Daekyung University (Department of Applied Music / Professional Bachelor) Cyber ​​University He has an older brother ( INFINITE‘s Sungyeol – born in 1991). He was born in Gyeonggi-do, Yongin, South Korea. Position: Leader, Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist

how to draw a ballerina dancer

Youtube: Golden Child / Gol-Cha’s Holiday 골차의 휴일

how to draw a ballerina dancer

Golden Child Current Dorm Arrangement (starting May 2020):

how to draw a ballerina dancer

Golden Child Fandom Name: GOLDENNESS (A special and valuable treasure)

How to draw a ballerina dancer